Career Profile

I am an urban researcher currently doing my doctoral training and research at the Delft University of Technology. I was trained in both disciplines of GIS and Urban Planning and practised with industries as an urban planner and GIS analyst.


Researcher (with Empolyment Contract)

Apr 2023 - Current
Delft University of Technology

- Worked on ERC starting project with researchers from interdisciplinary and multi-cultural background.

- Demonstrated research excellence by passing the first-term qualifying examination two months ahead of the program average (10 months vs. 12 months).

- Developed and deployed the project website individually using Hugo for cost-effective hosting on GitHub. Managed ongoing website maintenance tasks.

Adjunct Researcher

Apr 2024 - Current
Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (Singapore)

- Proposed the method of scenario modelling and computer vision for cost-effective transportation data collection and analysis.

Geospatial Data Analyst

Apr 2022 - Mar 2023
Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (Singapore)

- Conducted the spatio-temporal mining of mobile GPS trajectories and public transportation check in and out records (100 GB level) with ArcGIS Pro, Python; a book chapter published.

- Managed and analysed wide range of data types from structural to textual format with Python, PostgreSQL, PostGIS; two papers published.

- Teaching Python and QGIS to non-quant graduate student (taught in 19-20 Jan 2023 and 17-19 May 2023).

GIS Analyst

Nov 2021 - Mar 2022
RMSI Private Limited (Reading, the UK)

Engaged in Local Land Charges Program of HM Land Registry. Responsible for digitalization and reforming as per client specifications. It requires a proficiency in GIS software, ability to work both independently and collaboratively with other Analysts, along with high attention to detail.

Urban Planning and Research Intern

Nov 2019 - Feb 2020
Guangzhou Urban Planning & Design Survey Research Institute (Guangzhou, China)

Contributed to the special reports on demographic data analysis and prediction for the territory development plan of Shunde, Guangdong, China.

Urban Planning and Research Intern

Jun 2019 - Sep 2019
China Academy of Urban Planning & Design (Shanghai, China)

Contributed to the special reports on analysis of land use, tourism and trade for the territory development plan framework, Yiwu, Zhejiang, China.

Urban Analysis and Visualisation Intern

Jun 2018 - Sep 2018
Citory Tech Company Ltd. (Shanghai, China)

Individually responsible for analysing the spatial pattern of rural areas based on ArcGIS; Ten pages report of identifying Central Activities Zone (CAZ) of Pudong, Shanghai, based on evaluated POI dataset; Cleansed and Visualized geographic data through PostgreSQL, Tableau, and

Skills & Proficiency

Proficient Familiar
Languages PostgreSQL, Python, LaTeX R, HTML/CSS
Frameworks WordPress, Hugo Django
Libraries Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PySAL Psycopg2, ggplot2 (R), PyQGIS, ArcPy
Analysing Methods Spatio-temporal pattern identification Spatial statistics, Clustering method, Time series forecasting, Micromodelling Space syntax, Machine learning, Optimisation method, Topic modelling, Remote sensing
Developer Tools Git, VS Code Vim (Linux), Google Cloud Platform
Visualisation Tools Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator Premiere
3D Tools Rhino, SketchUP Blender


Harvey, N. and Li, B. (2024) ‘Polycentricity in a City State? Regional Centres as Singapore’s Exceptional Socio-Spatial Development Project’, in The City Rebooted: Networks, Connectivity and Place Identities in Singapore. Singapore, Singapore: World Scientific. DOI: 10.1142/13719.

Chan, F.H.H, Goh, E.E.Y, Li, B. and Choi, Y.K. (2024) ‘Through the Looking Glass: Everyday Urbanism in a Pandemic City 2020–2022’, in The City Rebooted: Networks, Connectivity and Place Identities in Singapore. Singapore, Singapore: World Scientific. DOI: 10.1142/13719.

Chng, S., Neo, H., Tan, A., Li, B. (2023). The Role of Labour Unions in a Just Transition: Insights from the Workers. Singapore Labour Journal, 2, 39-53. DOI: 10.1142/S2811031523000141

Feng, W., Li, B., Chen, Z., Liu, P. (2021). City Size Based Scaling of the Urban Internal Nodes Layout. PLOS ONE, 16 (4): e0250348. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250348

Feng, W., Song, P., Li, B. (2021). Application of Multi-agent System in Land Use Decision-Making of Industrial Park: A Case Study of Tianfo Health Industrial Park, Shandong. Spatial Data and Intelligence. SpatialDI 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-69873-7_10

Feng, W., Li, B., Kong, L. (2019). Urban Land Use Layout Agent-based Model Research Based on Baidu POI Data. 16th International Conference on Computer in Urban Planning and Urban Management. CUPUM 2019.